“The Massalit Will Not Come Home”. Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity in El Geneina, West Darfur, Sudan.

The 218-page report, “‘The Massalit Will Not Come Home’: Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity in El Geneina, West Darfur, Sudan,” documents that the Rapid Support Forces, an independent military force in armed conflict with the Sudan military, and their allied mainly Arab militias, including the Third-Front Tamazuj, an armed group, targeted the predominantly Massalit neighborhoods of El Geneina in relentless waves of attacks from April to June. Abuses escalated again in early November. The attackers committed other serious abuses such as torture, rape, and looting. More than half a million refugees from West Darfur have fled to Chad since April 2023. As of late October 2023, 75 percent were from El Geneina.


Resumen y recomendaciones en francés:


AIDA Country Report on Cyprus.

The updated AIDA Country Report on Cyprus provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection in 2023.

The updated Annex to the Country Report provides a detailed overview of the procedure and content of temporary protection in Cyrpus in 2023.



Community, Rights and Gender Barriers Relating to Tuberculosis Prevention and Control among Migrants and Mobile Populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

This report reviews existing CRG literature, with a specific focus on TB among migrants in the GMS, and categorizes available information, remarking on the country-specific situation in terms of migration, TB burden, key and vulnerable populations for TB, the stigma attached to TB, and human rights-related and gender-based barriers to TB services. The report proposes a set of recommendations, to be considered at the regional and country levels, based on the findings of the review.


Making Migration Work: an Analysis of Skills-based Mobility Schemes for Mediterranean Youth.

This white paper aims to assess, analyse and compare a selection of existing youth mobility projects in the Mediterranean and distil lessons learned as well as recommendations to further facilitate mobility for learning and work purposes through skills-based circular migration.


Why and How Multilateral Development Banks Support Improved Outcomes for Economic Migrants and Refugees.

Economic migrants and refugees can bring both benefits and costs to their hosting countries. If well-integrated, they can support themselves, their families, and their hosting countries as producers and consumers. Both economic migration and forced displacement are therefore integrally linked with development outcomes.

This paper provides an introductory snapshot of some of the financing instruments, projects, and strategies used; particularly innovative approaches; and challenges MDBs face in expanding their engagement.


USA: CBP One: ¿Una bendición o una trampa?

Índice: AMR 51/7985/2024. En el presente informe se analizan las cuestiones de derechos humanos relacionadas con el derecho a solicitar protección internacional en Estados Unidos, en particular el uso de la aplicación móvil CBP One. El 11 de mayo de 2023, la Administración Biden implementó la Regla Final de Elusión de las Vías Legales (también conocida como “prohibición de asilo”). La Regla Final impone una presunción refutable de inelegibilidad para el asilo a las personas que entren en Estados Unidos desde México por la frontera terrestre sur o las fronteras costeras adyacentes “sin autorización”.


Georgia: Children are being abused, including at school.

Children in Georgia are still suffering violence and ill-treatment in many ways, including at school and in the justice system. Early and forced marriage of children of ethnic minorities and sexual abuse of children is still an acute reality. The Human Rights Center and the World Organisation Against Torture have recommended that Georgia comply with its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ahead of the country’s review by the Committee on 8 and 9 May 2024.
